Friday Sep 24, 2021
Friday Sep 24, 2021
We open up the Reflector Project Garage for a recording before a studio audience. Our guests are directors at the North Shore Stress and Anxiety Clinic.
We talk about the mental health of individuals and mental health in the larger community. What are the positives and negatives of diagnosis? What does it mean that we can be weighed down by a disproportionate response to a circumstance? Much of our mental health struggle can come from an intolerance of uncertainty. At this time in our lives and in the world, how can we become more aware of the blessings of uncertainty?
For some resources on mental health check out:Dr. Nader's YouTube channel AnxietyCanadaBC Partners for Mental Health and Addictions Kelty Mental Health
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Hope At A Time Like This
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Welcome to Season 3 of Rector’s Cupboard. We’re grateful for those who are listening and we are working to put together some thoughtful and engaging material for the third season.
We’re opening this season with an episode looking to provide a place for you to feel some ground beneath your feet in what has been a year and a half of uncertainty and potential change.
What change will actually last after COVID? Will the way we speak with one another be different? Most importantly, what are some reasons for hope right now in a time when many are speaking of impending doom?
It is easy to be more aware of dark clouds on the horizon rather than to be aware of hopeful and positive change. The challenges that we face are real, but so is the possibility of actual progress.
Thanks again for listening.
Links Referenced
Axios Future : We’re in for a bumpy couple of decades” - April 10, 2021
The Rise of Therapy-speak, The New Yorker, March 26, 2021
Tasting Notes
This episode we enjoyed Railspur No. 2 Wildflower Honey from The Liberty Distillery on Granville Island.
Friday Jun 18, 2021
Vocation and the Future with Samuel Andri
Friday Jun 18, 2021
Friday Jun 18, 2021
We speak with Samuel Andri (recent graduate, theological education) about life and work and faith. Samuel is engaging and thoughtful and funny. He is one of the people who remind us that one of the best reasons for hope in the world right now is how so many young people live and see the world. We talk about religion, South Park, theology and how to not take yourself seriously.
In this final episode of the second season of Rector’s Cupboard we also speak as hosts about the end (in parts of the world) of COVID 19 as the one consideration overall and about what it might mean to be hopeful in these days.
Friday Jun 04, 2021
”Won’t You Be My Neighbour?” with Yehuda Mansell
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Good conversations with interesting people. Yehuda Mansell lived in Israel. He teaches at Columbia Bible College and is currently living in community with people who are new to Canada at New Hope Community Services in Surrey, BC. We speak with Yehuda about Job and suffering (his PhD work), about language, about his work on the Downtown Eastside and about the blessing of being a neighbour with those new to Canada.
We also speak about Yehuda’s presentation at a recent inter-faith conference. He was co-author of a paper called, “The Theology of Fentanyl”.
For more information on New Hope Community Services take a look at their website.
Friday May 21, 2021
Purity Culture in Church Circles: A Conversation with Linda Kay Klein
Friday May 21, 2021
Friday May 21, 2021
Linda Kay Klein has written one of the best books examining the phenomenon of purity culture in the 1990’s (and early 2000’s) within much of Christian religious culture. We are pleased to speak with Linda about her book, about what purity culture was and is, and about its impact. If your growing up included church in the 1990’s then you may well be familiar with purity culture. While Linda Kay Klein describes the American experience, Canadian evangelical culture was also largely impacted by the purity movement. The book “Pure” does not simply castigate the past. Rather, there is understanding of motivation and impact of the movement. Linda Kay Klein describes the negative impact of purity culture on self-worth, morality, and religion. She points to a positive and hopeful way forward.
For more information on Linda, her work, and her organization check out her website.
Friday May 07, 2021
Friday May 07, 2021
We speak with John Swinton, Professor in Practical Theology and Pastoral Care, Chair in Divinity and Religious Studies at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland.John Swinton has worked in mental health care for many years and is now a professor of theology. He brings together a compassionate understanding of mental health and illness with a hopeful understanding of faith and what it means to live well. What could it look like to know “abundant life” while living with a diagnosis of mental illness? What might it look like to know life to the full amidst ongoing, but undiagnosed struggles around mental health? Swinton offers a humanizing and hopeful way of seeing the “other”, a way that is non-polarizing and shows how we are in solidarity with others, those of different race, politics, ability and understanding.The pressure to keep up and to be “compulsively cheerful” in our lives can be debilitating. Swinton shows us the value and beauty of “slowness, gentleness, dependence, vulnerability, un-competitiveness, trustfulness and restfulness.”
Warning: This episode mentions schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, and suicide.
John’s books:
Finding Jesus in the Storm: The Spiritual Lives of Christians with Mental Health Challenges
Becoming Friends of Time: Disability, Timefullness, and Gentle Discipleship
Materials and links referenced in this episode:
Regent College course, “Dementia: Living in the Memories of God”, May 10-14
VST course, “Living Faithfully With Mental Health Challenges: Why Theology Matters”, July 12-16
VST Public Lecture, “The “Hidden” Side Effects of COVID 19”, July 13
When God Talks Back: Understanding the American Evangelical Relationship with God, T.M. Luhrmann
The Bible and Mental Health: Towards a Biblical Theology of Mental Health, a collection of essays from authors including Walter Brueggemann and John Swinton.
Friday Apr 23, 2021
"Christian Music" with Jeff Johnson and Roy Salmond
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Friday Apr 23, 2021
We speak with music producer, podcaster, and writer Roy Salmond along with musician and artist Jeff Johnson.
Roy and Jeff have earned their living in the realm of “Christian Music” for decades. They tell us about changes in the industry, about challenges faced in the past and today. We also hear about the importance of friendship in vocational and spiritual endeavour.
To find Jeff's work check out his website and YouTube channel. To find Roy's work check out his website.
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Special Episode; Towards Justice
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Today, April 20, 2021, Derek Chauvin was found guilty on all three charges against him in causing the death of George Floyd. We have some brief considerations before the verdict after it had been announced that the verdict was about to be read. This recording includes the judge in the case reading the verdict and some brief prayers by Cole Arthur Riley on her “Black Liturgies” account.
God with us, We thank you for being a God of true empathy, leaving status and security to come near to those you love - a nearness marked by healing, solidarity, and sacrifice. We have traded the fierceness of your empathy that might begin with tears but is also enmeshed with proximity to the hurting and the resolute doing of justice and mercy, even if that justice means loss of comfort and status for us. But keep us from being swallowed by the pain of those we love, that we would learn a compassion that has boundaries - a nearness that is not bondage. Let Empathy lay her head down each night on hope itself, rising with the deep knowledge that restoration is coming. We are the hands and feet of a promise.
Originally published March 26, 2021 @blackliturgies
Friday Apr 09, 2021
Nothing Wasted with David Hayward (NakedPastor)
Friday Apr 09, 2021
Friday Apr 09, 2021
We welcome David Hayward, known online as the NakedPastor.
David is an artist who formerly was a Pastor of Presbyterian and Vineyard Churches. Over the last 12 years David has been producing art – sketches, watercolours and paintings that have resonated deeply with people questioning their beliefs, deconstructing systems of religion, and looking for hopeful ways of seeing the world.
We speak about how deconstruction can be hopeful. David tells us that while he appreciated his time as a leader in the institutional church, he is able now to be more pastoral, not less.
After speaking with David we felt a sense of gratitude and joy, the blessing of accepting that we don’t have to be anxious about making sure to believe the right things. It is even okay if we don’t believe properly. Our call is always to love one another.
You can find out more about David and buy some of his wonderful art on his website or check him out on any social media platform.
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Inter-Religious Conversations with Rabbi Dr. Laura Duhan-Kaplan
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Friday Mar 26, 2021
We speak with Rabbi Dr. Laura Duhan-Kaplan about how religions can grant blessing to one another. In many religious traditions there is a suspicion around engaging with people of other faiths. Rabbi Laura oversees an inter-religious conference each year. We speak also about philosophy and atheism and how we can have a two-dimensional and unhelpful view of not only other faiths, but of non-faith. How can we honour people who believe differently than we do?
Books and references in this episode:
Mouth of the Donkey, Rabbi Dr. Laura Duhan-Kaplan, 2021
Gaslit Nation Podcast
VST Religion & Thoughtful Activism Conference
Books on philosophy recommended by Rabbi Laura:
Plato’s Symposium
The Spell of the Sensuous - David Abram