Sunday Jan 02, 2022
The Church In-Between Times: A Conversation with Rebecca Simpson
Sunday Jan 02, 2022
Sunday Jan 02, 2022
Is it possible that conversations about the church might be interesting or even fascinating?
Rector’s Cupboard was invited to partner with David Goa, a friend of the podcast (Sunny Boy, December 2020 and Most People are Better Than Their Theology, January 2020) to speak with others about the state and future of the church as we move from 2021 to 2022.
What is the church? Who is the church? Does the church play any important role in larger culture? These conversations have an “on the ground” aspect to them and they seek to address larger questions of the place and identity of the Christian church in our society.
In this fourth episode of our special series we speak with Rebecca Simpson, Presbyterian Minister and Director of Spiritual Formation for the Presbyterian Church at the Vancouver School of Theology. Rebecca’s reflections on the church moved towards the place of the minister, particularly for women in ordained ministry.
Friday Dec 31, 2021
The Church In-Between Times: A Conversation with Ross Lockhart
Friday Dec 31, 2021
Friday Dec 31, 2021
Is it possible that conversations about the church might be interesting or even fascinating?
Rector’s Cupboard was invited to partner with David Goa, a friend of the podcast (Sunny Boy, December 2020 and Most People are Better Than Their Theology, January 2020) to speak with others about the state and future of the church as we move from 2021 to 2022.
What is the church? Who is the church? Does the church play any important role in larger culture? These conversations have an “on the ground” aspect to them and they seek to address larger questions of the place and identity of the Christian church in our society.
In this third episode of our special series we speak with Ross Lockhart, Dean at St. Andrew’s Hall in Vancouver. In conversation with Ross we reflect upon the idea of the decline of the church and Christendom and how these may be positive things for Christian faith.
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
The Church In-Between Times: A Conversation with Nate Collins
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Is it possible that conversations about the church might be interesting or even fascinating?
Rector’s Cupboard was invited to partner with David Goa, a friend of the podcast (Sunny Boy, December 2020 and Most People are Better Than Their Theology, January 2020) to speak with others about the state and future of the church as we move from 2021 to 2022.
What is the church? Who is the church? Does the church play any important role in larger culture? These conversations have an “on the ground” aspect to them and they seek to address larger questions of the place and identity of the Christian church in our society.
In this second episode of our special series we speak with Nate Collins, Pastor at Hillside Baptist Church, North Vancouver. Nathan’s reflections on the church moved towards considerations of some of the common struggles and questions of vocation for pastors and towards the role of the church in the spiritual growth of its adherents.
Monday Dec 27, 2021
The Church In-Between Times: A Conversation with Tim Dickau
Monday Dec 27, 2021
Monday Dec 27, 2021
Is it possible that conversations about the church might be interesting or even fascinating?
Rector’s Cupboard was invited to partner with David Goa, a friend of the podcast (Sunny Boy, December 2020 and Most People are Better Than Their Theology, January 2020) to speak with others about the state and future of the church as we move from 2021 to 2022.
What is the church? Who is the church? Does the church play any important role in larger culture? These conversations have an “on the ground” aspect to them and they seek to address larger questions of the place and identity of the Christian church in our society.
In this first episode of our special series we speak with Tim Dickau of the Centre of Missional Leadership at St. Andrew’s Hall. Tim was previously Senior Pastor of Grandview Calvary Baptist Church in Vancouver. Tim highlighted for us a consideration of the place of the church in the larger world, through its presence in particular communities.
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Christmas Special 2021 Not Quite the Stable
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Maybe the real world is just too upsetting right now. Perhaps we need a pretend world in which to live. Hallmark to the rescue! Cupboard hosts and friends discuss the continuing takeover of Christmas by the advance of movies in which the imperfect exists only to make way for the somewhat sickeningly perfect. Are carefully crafted false worlds another bleak take on humanity, or are they hopeful? There is probably nuance required in answer to such a question, but either way, these movies are POPULAR. Merry Christmas from all of us at Rector’s Cupboard!
Movies we watched on this episode:
The Knight Before Christmas
Christmas Inheritance
Articles referenced:
Here's why it feels so good to watch those Hallmark holiday movies – NBC News, November 2019
Horrible Hallmark movies have been torturing viewers for 20 years – New York Post, December 2020
How Hallmark Took Over Cable Television – The New Yorker, December 2019
Tasting Notes:
This episode we enjoyed two very festive drinks, Cabot Trail Maple Cream and Krupnik Spiced Honey Liqueur from Wayward Distillery, Courtenay, BC.
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Art + Faith with Makoto Fujimura
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Friday Dec 03, 2021
The existence of the division and hatred in our world is undeniable. Religion is often enlisted to fuel this division and to fuel dehumanization. Many of us have longed for more beautiful, hopeful ways to envision the world, to relate to those with whom we disagree. This episode of Rector’s Cupboard invites us to consider the words and work of one person who is demonstrating a vision of hope and love.
Theology and art and spirituality and philosophy and ethics are often thought of as separate disciplines. In our actual lives, our spirituality, our beholding of beauty, and our desire to live well are experienced together. Artist (and theologian) Makoto Fujimura shows us in visual art, in writing, and in conversation some of what matters most in life. He places before us the call to reflect the image of God in living out a “theology of making”.
Is it possible that Christian faith might be considered beautiful? While so much ugliness has existed in bad religion or distorted theology, the call of goodness and beauty and truth remains. People like Makoto Fujimura help us to hear that call.
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Becoming Church with Luke Edwards
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Do you attend church? Is church something that you used to attend?
Luke Edwards is Associate Director of Church Development for the Western North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church. Luke has written a book called “Becoming Church: A Trail Guide for Starting Fresh Expressions”. Luke’s work and writing address the reality that church is changing. The default model of a bunch of people in a big room facing the front which has become a stage is not the only way of gathering. Fresh Expressions helps people who are interested in gathering, but may not be interested in church as we have known it.
We had a great time speaking with Luke and we are grateful for people who have gone up ahead on the trail.
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Just a note, this episode discusses domestic violence and spiritual abuse. It might be difficult for some listeners.
If you’d like more resources on domestic violence check out WhenLoveHurts.ca. There are informative articles and services available if you or someone you know needs help.
The Cupboard welcomes Jessica Leslie to tell her story of growing up within a form of the church that could be described as cult-like. Jessica grew up in an expression of religion that was often dominated by fear. She experienced abuse within her own family and then found healing and compassion within a different church. When she became an adult Jessica spent years with YWAM, a Christian missionary group working with young people. She now describes her experience of YWAM as, again, being part of a cult. Jessica has faced more than her fair share of pain and struggle, but she demonstrates strength, compassion, and a sense of joy and life as she tells her story.
Jessica's article referenced in this episode:
I Escaped an Australian Cult - The Australian Woman’s Weekly, May 17, 2016
Tasting Notes:
This episode we enjoy some wonderful Barrel Aged Amaretto from Sons of Vancouver Distillery in North Vancouver. The Barrel Aged Amaretto is a limited release and is available now.
Friday Oct 22, 2021
God Turned Toward Us with Will Willimon
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Friday Oct 22, 2021
The Cupboard welcomes back Rev. Dr. Will Willimon. He is a pastor, former Archbishop in the United Methodist Church and the author of, in his approximation, about 100 books. He joins us to speak about his latest book, “God Turned Toward Us: The ABCs of Christian Faith”. It’s a book that covers a wide spectrum of concepts, people and doctrines in Christian faith. Our conversation touches upon a variety of topics from the place of evil and sin in Christian understanding to the purpose of salvation.
We are so grateful for our connection to Will. We love his refreshing ability to speak the truth, regardless of what you may want to hear, and his uncanny ability to upset people both on the right and the left. If you’re bothered by some of what you hear that’s okay. Will doesn’t mind being a little bothersome.
Will's books talked about in today's episode:"God Turned Toward Us: The ABCs of Christian Faith""Preacher's Dare: Speaking for God"
Our last conversation with Will Willimon.
The Beecher Lectures 2021
For more information on Will Willimon visit www.willwillimon.com
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Mental Health: A Personal Story with Markku Kostamo
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Addressing matters of mental health and wellness often comes in the forms of ideas, tips, diagnosis and treatment plans. While these are all helpful, sometimes most helpful of all is to be reminded that you are not alone, that others have faced similar challenges.
In this episode of Rector’s Cupboard, Markku Kostamo shares his own story of misdiagnosis, struggle, diagnosis and treatment. His willingness to be open and honest demonstrates that many times the parts of our stories that we consider troubling or humiliating or chronic have been encountered by other people as well. We are in good company, with one another, and part of being well is recognizing our own limitations and our own woundedness.
Links referenced
Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries
Markku's video (available through Facebook)
Upstate Motels Make a Comeback With an Aim to Captivate - New York Times, September 3, 2021
Gen Z is keeping the faith. Just don’t expect to see them at worship – Religion News Service, September 23, 2021
Oh my days: linguists lament slang ban in London school – The Guardian, September 30, 2021